July Board Meeting
The board did not meet in June and in July there was a crowd who came to yell about all they did not like, causing some to walk out and no business to get done. Board president Sherry Leslie left the chaos as it began to escalate and later turned in her resignation as President. Thomas Dorsey, Vice President, also resigned from the board. Sadly, this is no way to run a homeowners association. If you have a something to say, the staff and board want to hear you—please click here to send a note to our manager, Glen Evans.
Many homeowners are catching up on their past dues, and the pools are in great shape and having lots of swimmers. Glen Evans, our manager, is doing great work and the crew is clearing tree branches from common areas and building the sun shade for Oakwood Pool.
Homeowners had around 8 parties in the Event Room during May and June.