Gilcrease Homeowners Association

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That windstorm

Homeowners lost trees and tree branches in the Saturday night Father’s Day Straight Winds storm, as did most of Tulsa and most suburbs. Thanks to the old post oaks and blackjack oaks in our green spaces, the damage was limited. Those old trees may lose a branch or two, but they are rooted down into the rock—that’s why we don’t see them tipped over with a relatively small root ball at the base. Foresters tell us not to water them too much; native dryness will encourage the roots to grow deeper. The City Refuse Department has a huge job to pick up branches from the edge of streets. If you have need of cleanup, you can learn all you need to know from the City of Tulsa website or Facebook page. Cut as much as you can and put branches near the street. A truck with a claw will lift them and put them in a dumpster on wheels. The City has a schedule of which weeks they will work in every section of the city. Be a good neighbor and don’t just dump your green waste in our forest.