From the Veep

Greetings Gilcrease Hills Neighbors,

As your Vice-President of the board, I want to say thank you for observing most of the requests I asked of you in the last newsletter. I requested that you join a committee. Some of you did. Thank you! I requested if you see a board member out in the community to thank them for their service, as they are not paid members. Many of you came up to me and thanked me for putting forth an effort as Vice-President of the board. I asked for positive input and solutions, again many of you complied. However, we still need people to join committees. We need more of your time, input, and solutions on how we can better keep our neighbors on task and away from the relaxation of rules, unkempt fences, and uncut lawns. Please call the office and submit your name on the landscaping and maintenance committee. Remember, the only experience you need is to care about your community. We need you.

Finally, I need to emphasize, Gilcrease Hills Board meetings are primarily business meetings. In most cases, the board meeting is not the first place to start if you have a concern. Calling the manager is not the first place to begin. A more appropriate approach may be to contact a board representative for your village. Who that person is is listed on our website or in the newsletter. Also, there may be an appropriate committee you may need to speak with regarding your dilemma. If none of these are satisfactory, then take it to the board. The manager is inundated with calls, such as “there is a dead dog in the street.” Call animal protection (dog pound), or “there’s a man walking around our neighborhood.” A better choice is to call 911. Our manager cannot get his/her work done answering these types of calls from 30 individuals a day. Please contact your board representative first.

Members and neighbors, these comments are in no way said to keep you from attending board meetings. Please attend. Even if you can’t stay the entire session, come out…better yet, join. These comments are just suggesting a better way to solve community problems. Please, contact your neighborhood board representative first! From there, they should be able to point you in the right direction.

See you at the next board meeting, second Thursday’s of each month, October 12th at 6pm at the clubhouse. And don’t forget our annual meeting—this year it’s on Saturday, October 28th.

Angela Williams

GH HOA Board President


Educator Mrs. Jackie Tolbert


Past newsletter issues